Monday, September 24, 2012

PE Goal #1


  • My first PE goal is to improve my listening in 日本語人、to improve word recognition in full-length sentences, particularly in words that contain double consonants.
  • I plan to study the textbook, trying to learn vocabulary that has double consonants and individual recognition.
  • Another activity I plan to do is go to the Japanese language table when it begins.
  • Also to do shadowing at least 3 times a week.
Good luck to everyone else with these exercises!


Monday, September 17, 2012


おもしろい日本語なので、私は日本語をべんきょうたい 。I am intrigued by the culture of Japan compared the world. I've also found the sounds of the language to be very interesting because it has a remarkable similarity to Spanish pronounciation.


 Ironically, it is the writing recognition I am starting to notice (by me) that has me the most excited, to be able to look at something and know how to say it in Japanese, even if the meaning of the word or phrase is unknown to me.

